Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Well well.. so sleepy recently. I have no idea why, plus with this stupid weather, really feels like staying in the air-conditioned lecture or practical rooms for good. Hmm, hope ah li and I can complete our IDD assign1 early and hopefully can do well. Gpa really not that desirable. Haha.

Ohya, read doris's blog... she's really feeling low cause of what ym said to his friends in other class. But problem is that we don't know what on earth has he said lah.. sounds negative. And the fact that we are kept hidden, doris kept thinking of what he could have said. Doris, don't feel upset le. If you are really bothered by that, maybe ask ym lor. Cause for us, we are already tired of guessing what he might have said ba.. so we also don't really want to care le. But if you feel unfair being said this way, then maybe confront the problem ba. No matter what, I don't think they will think that you are the reason why we are always sticking in a group. Honestly, I also can't be bothered if it's our problem or their problem. It's like we are always trying too hard.. maybe they think we are despo or weird.. haha. Whatever. Like what tiff said, as long as we can pass our time in school and do well in studies then okay le. Bond or not bond shall depends on fate. Waha.

Okay, end of today's post. Sleepy (-_-)zZ

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